I wanted to keep the ball rolling from our phenomenal success rally so that you can fill fill fill your summer spa calendar! May & June are key to make sure the summer SIZZLES and doesn't FIZZLE :-)
For the next 3 days, I want to challenge you to get out there and book as many spas and instant facelift sessions as you can! And, yes, I want to reward you for doing so!
EVERY consultant who puts a MAY or JUNE spa online in the next 3 days will receive the following:
- recognition on UNIT NEWS (I know you all go out there to check on your competition, right??) and on the BLOG -- You'll see your name in "lights" :-)
- one entry into drawing for every new spa entered -- drawing is for a set of BC COLOR Mineral Makeup (one lipstick, one blush, one eye shadow trio) -- a $48 value!
Reminder -- We have already exceeded 50 spas online for May, so assuming it stays above 50, we WILL be having a cash drawing at our next rally (Monday June 1 @ 6:30pm). The amount of cash will be directly related to the total number of bookings online for MAY. Make sure you are in on this fun!
Get your FRANK list out and burn up the phone lines! If you need any coaching on verbiage or how to use the FRANK list to fill your calendar, please let me know - I would love to help you!
Have a great week!
Make sure to email me a list of the new spas you've added :-)