Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Moving my blog

I don't want to confuse you, but I am going to move my blog to another provider. I have found one that will let me categorize the posts, and I think it will prove more user friendly and help you get more out of it going forward.

Please save the following link to get there quickly!


I'll leave the old posts here for a while, but I will publish anything new to the new site!

Thanks for understanding -

Hope is not enough

I hope I can make this work.

How many times have you said that?
  • I'm going to give this spa thing a try, I hope I can make it work.
  • I want to be a VIP/Sr. VIP/Director, I hope I can do it.
  • I really want to have a good spa tonight, I hope the sales will be good.
  • I really want to get to VIP, I hope I can find a recruit.
  • I have 2 spas next week, I hope that they hold.

I could go on.
Hope is important, even crucial, to success.
But it is not enough.

There are 3 definitions for hope, according to Merriam-Webster:
  • to cherish a desire with anticipation
  • to desire with expectation of obtainment
  • to expect with confidence

So, what's the problem with hope?? None of these definitions says anything about taking action towards achieving what we hope for. Once we figure out our desires, what we hope for, and why we hope for it, we should hope with all our heart.

But it takes more than heart.

I particularly like the definition of hope that indicates an expectation of obtainment. You approach life differently when you expect something. Even though, according to the definition of hope, we could translate "I hope that this spa thing will work" into "I expect this spa thing to work," I suspect that is NOT the meaning we have in our heart when we say something like that.

Let's change how we use the word hope! When we expect that we will achieve what we hope for, we will act to ensure that we obtain it, and we won't let any hurdles, brick walls, or other obstacles keep us from doing so.

So, how do you put hope to work for you?

Expect to obtain what it is that you are hoping for. Then, plan for it. Determine what needs to happen, what you need to do to make it happen. Then act on those things! Don't worry about the things that you can't control - the weather, the economy, etc. Those affect everyone. Take action on what is in YOUR sphere of influence.
  • Hope to have a full calendar? Plan to make 3 calls a day, find an accountability partner, and then make those calls.
  • Hope to add more people to your team? Come up with a plan... learn how to share the opportunity with passion, practice sharing/role play, and then share with as many people as possible.
  • Hope your spas will hold? Plan for them to. Talk with people who are successful at keeping cancellations low, learn hostess coaching tips and techniques, then implement them for yourself.

What do you find yourself hoping for? Do you need an attitude change so that you are truly expecting to obtain it? Come up with a plan of ACTION and get on the road to achievement!

By the way, one of the things I LOVE about my role as Director is helping my team do just that -- come up with a plan and encourage you through the implementation on to success! Let me know how I can help you!

Monday, February 1, 2010

January Recognition & Highlights for February

Wow, it seems as though I have been a little slack on updating here. In an effort to stay better connected with my fabulous team, I plan to start updating here weekly - even if it is short! Today's update will be packed with info since we are not able to have our rally due to the weather - it was (is!) beautiful, but not at all conducive to having a rally here at the house.

NOTE: Make sure you scan all the way through this post for CHALLENGE (meaning gifts are available to be earned :-) INFORMATION and MOVING UP WORKSHOP details.


An important part of our team rally is recognizing the success of those in our unit. I am going to include the key recognition here, and you should see this posted each month - even when we do have our live rally!


Congratulations to all who held at least one spa in January! The Lee Unit closed out with 30 online spas!

#1 in Spas Held for January:

Carolyn Long – 11 spas!!

At least 1 spa in January:

· Betty Barrow

· Reggie Ellis

· Casey Hellweg

· Carolyn Long

· Theresa Morris

· Allison Thomas

· Connie Werne

Congratulations to all who have spas booked online already for February! Our GOAL is 50 spas -- see below for a challenge to help us all reach higher!!

#1 in Spas Booked for February:

TIE: Betty Barrow & Allison Thomas with 3 spas each!


Congratulations to the following Top Achievers:

#1 Personal Sales (CON/SRC): Michelle Ewing

#1 Unit Sales (VIP) : Carolyn Long

#1 Unit Sales (SVP): Stacey Garcia

Welcome NEW Consultant Candice Simon in the Reggie Ellis VIP Unit!

We look forward to helping you REACH for your dreams!

#1 Unit Recruiting (VIP): Reggie Ellis

#1 Unit Recruiting (SVP): Stacey Garcia

$500 CLUB (ALL levels - Personal Sales):

  • Sherrie Benn
  • Michelle Ewing
  • Carolyn Long
  • Candice Simon

$1,000 CLUB (VIP+ - Unit Sales):

  • Stacey Garcia
  • Carolyn Long


I want to really encourage you to consume your Achiever this month. It is packed with great information, and BeautiNet can help fill in the gaps as well. I am going to hit the highlights here, but this is not, by any means, comprehensive!

· BCSpa Solutions Scar, Stretch Mark, and Spider Vein Minimizing Creme
- What a great offering to have in your arsenal! The retail is $40, but you can get special pricing in February to maximize your profits... 1 @ $38 each, 5 @ $35 each, 10 @ $30 each!

· "M" Men's cologne is back - $26 retail

· Time to go wild!! Cheetah is here -- a WILD way to increase your spa bookings this February!
Cheetah Neckwrap (regular gel neckwrap + cheetah cover) is only $7
Cheetah Set (cheetah cover, cheetah gloves, and cheetah headband) is only $8
Quantity limits for both based on retail order amount... $150 retail - limit 1; $300 retail - limit 5; $500 retail - limit 10.

- This is where you can REALLY maximize your profits on your "bread & butter" - skin care maintenance!
- 25% off between 2/1 and 2/11!! Then you apply your normal discount level.
- EXAMPLE: 30s set retail $65; 25% of makes it $48.75; assuming 50% discount your cost is only $24.38! If you sell at retail, you profit $40.62. Plus, it makes it easier for you to get people started on skincare.... pass along a 20% discount to your clients (as shown in the client brochure) and still profit well - and perhaps get a new client started for life!!

- See the Achiever for specifics, but from 2/1 - 2/11, you'll get a FREE Skin Care Starter Set of your choice with a $150+ order! Make it a $300+ order and you ALSO get a FREE BC Spa Bank Bag - perfect for collecting your spa $$!


It is NOT too late to earn this great trip! I'll be honest and let you know that I have not gotten off to the banner start that I had hoped, but I know from experience that you do not fail until you quit trying!

I just finished reading a FABULOUS book, and I highly recommend it to each of you: The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. If you'd rather watch - you can catch the actual lecture online at www.TheLastLecture.com.

One great takeaway for me is in how he persistently reframed his "brick walls" - one in particular was a dream to work as an Imagineer at Disney. Upon receiving a rejection, he writes:

So that was a setback. But I kept my mantra in mind: The brick walls are there for a reason. They're not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.

That's the way I look at January. It is a brick wall that I have to get past in order to get where I want to go. So, what do we do now?? Take the booking challenge -- see how many February spas you can add this week! I am. Talk to 3 people a day about something in your business - booking, selling, the opportunity. I am. Connect/reconnect with your skincare clients -- offer them a sale on their reorder, talk with them about the great BC opportunity under the Freedom Plan! I am.

Together we can Reach higher!! Want to go to the Mayan Riviera?? There are 4 weeks in February. That is 2 recruits per week with a bonus thrown in there somewhere to get to 9. We have until the end of April to help one of your new consultants reach VIP and earn the Riviera trip. YOU can do it!!

Please send me an email and let me know what YOU want to achieve in February -- the trip? the suitcase? the tote? the petal handbag? If I know your goal, I can help you map a plan to get there!


· Book spas February 1-5 for your FEBRUARY online calendar.

· Spas added between 8am CST 2/1 and 8:30pm CST 2/5 count toward challenge - they must be added online!

· We are competing against other units in the BC Family and the #1 unit in spas added will get a BC-sponsored PIZZA PARTY for our next rally!

· Every person who books a February spa during the competition will get a special gift from ME!

How to get started, you ask?

· Call people who would help you out with a “practice” spa.

· Tell past hostesses you are test-marketing a new spa (suggestion – Winterize your Skin Spa with the new bcSpa Body products).

· Got some booth leads you haven’t turned into a spa yet? This is a great pool to start with.

Just remember you have something VERY exciting to offer – a relaxing spa experience AND great benefits – make sure to check BeautiNet for all the great HOSTESS rewards (did someone say, CHEETAH??).


I can’t let you go without getting you details for our Moving Up workshops next week, and the one week challenge that will give you extra recognition & a gift at that workshop. Here’s the scoop:

· Book 2 new February spas (the BOOKING BLITZ should help here J) AND

· Order $300+ retail or add ONE qualified consultant to your team

Complete the above by Monday, February 8, 2010, and email me your results and you will receive a gift and recognition at the Moving Up workshop AND recognition here on the blog!


· Monday, February 8 – 7-8:30pm – Starbucks on Scottsville Hwy. in Bowling Green, KY

· Tuesday, February 9 – 7-8:30pm – Cool Springs Marriott, Franklin, TN