Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Moving my blog

I don't want to confuse you, but I am going to move my blog to another provider. I have found one that will let me categorize the posts, and I think it will prove more user friendly and help you get more out of it going forward.

Please save the following link to get there quickly!


I'll leave the old posts here for a while, but I will publish anything new to the new site!

Thanks for understanding -

Hope is not enough

I hope I can make this work.

How many times have you said that?
  • I'm going to give this spa thing a try, I hope I can make it work.
  • I want to be a VIP/Sr. VIP/Director, I hope I can do it.
  • I really want to have a good spa tonight, I hope the sales will be good.
  • I really want to get to VIP, I hope I can find a recruit.
  • I have 2 spas next week, I hope that they hold.

I could go on.
Hope is important, even crucial, to success.
But it is not enough.

There are 3 definitions for hope, according to Merriam-Webster:
  • to cherish a desire with anticipation
  • to desire with expectation of obtainment
  • to expect with confidence

So, what's the problem with hope?? None of these definitions says anything about taking action towards achieving what we hope for. Once we figure out our desires, what we hope for, and why we hope for it, we should hope with all our heart.

But it takes more than heart.

I particularly like the definition of hope that indicates an expectation of obtainment. You approach life differently when you expect something. Even though, according to the definition of hope, we could translate "I hope that this spa thing will work" into "I expect this spa thing to work," I suspect that is NOT the meaning we have in our heart when we say something like that.

Let's change how we use the word hope! When we expect that we will achieve what we hope for, we will act to ensure that we obtain it, and we won't let any hurdles, brick walls, or other obstacles keep us from doing so.

So, how do you put hope to work for you?

Expect to obtain what it is that you are hoping for. Then, plan for it. Determine what needs to happen, what you need to do to make it happen. Then act on those things! Don't worry about the things that you can't control - the weather, the economy, etc. Those affect everyone. Take action on what is in YOUR sphere of influence.
  • Hope to have a full calendar? Plan to make 3 calls a day, find an accountability partner, and then make those calls.
  • Hope to add more people to your team? Come up with a plan... learn how to share the opportunity with passion, practice sharing/role play, and then share with as many people as possible.
  • Hope your spas will hold? Plan for them to. Talk with people who are successful at keeping cancellations low, learn hostess coaching tips and techniques, then implement them for yourself.

What do you find yourself hoping for? Do you need an attitude change so that you are truly expecting to obtain it? Come up with a plan of ACTION and get on the road to achievement!

By the way, one of the things I LOVE about my role as Director is helping my team do just that -- come up with a plan and encourage you through the implementation on to success! Let me know how I can help you!